Saturday, 3 July 2010

June 12, 2010

Hi all, (this spoken with a Canadian accent) We have made great time but are now holed up in Port McNeil at the top of Vancouver Island - tied to a dock thankfully - as a big storm goes over. Gives us a chance to get more salad and beer, dump the garbage and do the laundry. It may be a couple days before we can leave as we experiencing Junuary here. (Sure hope July and August are better!) So a couple updates on our progress:

  1. Today is our 17th wedding anniversary and we are spending it in the same place, Port McNeil, as we did in 2006 on our last trip to Alaska.

  2. We travelled up two of the most notorious "straits" of water in the Pacific Northwest in record time this year (Strait of Georgia and Johnstone Strait) - had pretty good weather the entire way so it just took us 3 days.

  3. Our boat hit a new speed record going twice as fast as her hull is rated. We hit 14.9 nautical miles an hour - for just a few seconds - but the ride was great. That's what happens when you go through one of the longest and fasting moving rapids in this area an hour before slack tide. Good news is John and the boat did just fine - and we got to where we wanted to be much faster than we thought we would!

Also remember that gin John decanted into a water bottle? Well it made it's way from the head to the counter in the galley unbeknownst to me and after a particularly dry sandwich for lunch, I grabbed the nearest bottle of water to wash down the bread. Needless to say I gagged on the gin (not even a drop of tonic or lime in it!) and spit half the sandwich back into the bottle of gin. I say it serves John right for trying to deceive customs!

We are again awed by the beauty and vastness of the scenery here. The mountains all around us still have snow on their summits, there are huge trees everywhere - even in the water! (One of my jobs is log spotter to make sure we don't hit one.) And the water is wide, deep and cold.

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