Saturday 3 July 2010

We're Off!

Launching Journey

It is Monday, June 7th and we are ready to push ourselves, and our boat, off the dock in Anacortes, Washington. We will stop in the San Juan Islands today, check into Canada tomorrow, and then make our way rather quickly we hope, up to Ketchikan in Alaska where we plan to spend 4-6 weeks cruising around and with glaciers, fiord's, eagles, whales, otters, salmon and maybe a few bears. We have had a busy month visiting friends and family and getting Journey ready after her long winter's sleep. She was quite green around the gills from all the rain - and a few of her electrical bits weren't working - but with four new batteries, a new voltage regulator and endless testing and checking on John's part, she is ready for another long cruise up Alaska's Inside Passage. We hope you all are having a wonderful and warm summer. We will keep you posted on our progress and send photos if we take any good ones.

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