Monday 16 August 2010

August 8-9, Red Bluff Bay

Snow capped peaks

Red Bluffs - with mist

Big brown bear - right in the middle of the photo

Running on shore

And this is why the bears are there - John caught a picture of a salmon jumping!

Red Bluff Bay

Another gorgeous location. We entered a wonderfully sheltered bay that had red granite bluffs on one side and snow capped peaks on the other. It is hard to capture in photographs the scale but take my word for it, it was beautiful! On the way in we passed an old cannery site and much to our surprise saw a huge brown bear fishing in water up to his neck. Unfortunately he heard and smelled us before we got a chance to stop and spend much time watching him fish - he was soon out of the water and up the stream away from our view. But we do have one picture - look real close and you will see him in the centre of the picture. The rusty pipes in front of him are huge so it gives you some idea of the scale.

That night and the next morning we saw more brown bears checking out the beach and stream for nibbles. It is amazing to see these rather large animals run or swim - they are fast! I wouldn’t want to be in their way or any too close.

1 comment:

  1. Unbelievable photo's, I am so enjoying 'your' trip, What a wonderful summer you have had.
    love and see you soon.
