Wednesday 4 August 2010

July 26th - Tenakee Springs

Nancy takes over the helm from John - for a minute!

Approaching Tenakee Springs

Just missed the open garden day

No - the rocks are not glued together but are balanced on each other

Veg Alaska style!

Alaska Malmutes - Bella and Oz

A "Des Res" - ripe for conversion

My New Favorite Place
A most special place - and maybe my new place to dream about living in in Alaska. Tenakee Springs - rhymes with “finicky”. Of course the day we spent there was warm and sunny and all the houses strung along the beach looked especially cheerful. And the gardens were glorious! We had just missed their open garden day so every garden was at it’s best. No cars except for a fire truck - lots of bicycles left here and there that we were welcomed to use - and very friendly people. But then again I think the sun brings out the best in people - especially when you haven’t seen it for a while. I thought we would never get rid of the postman who came down to see us on the dock and stayed to chat for an hour.

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